As FSC revises its Ecosystem Services Procedure, the World Wildlife Fund issued a new report called, “Paying Foresters to Provide Ecosystem Services.”
Forests generate many ecosystem services, including carbon storage and sequestration, biodiversity conservation, protection of soils and water quality. These services are valued by society but have been traditionally provided for free. Payments for ecosystem services are voluntary transactions between buyers and sellers; buyers could be companies or governments. Payments to the forest managers cover the opportunity cost of maintaining or changing management practices in favor of a given ecosystem service.
Designed to support the FSC revision process, the report highlights opportunities to improve the procedure, such as:
*Improving communications about ecosystem services to make the opportunities more understandable to sponsors.
*Adapting audits to small-scale projects to make them more affordable.
*Providing additional guidance about methodology.
Driving value to forest managers through climate and ecosystem services is a priority for FSC in the United States and globally.
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