Wiley Releases AI Guidelines for Authors

Wiley (NYSE: WLY), one of the world’s largest publishers and a global leader in research and learning, released a set of guidelines on the responsible and effective use of artificial intelligence (AI) in authorship this week at the London Book Fair. In the new guidelines and accompanying FAQs, Wiley provides suggestions to authors on how to utilize AI tools in their manuscript preparation while preserving the author’s authentic voice and expertise, maintaining reliable, trusted, and accurate content, safeguarding intellectual property and privacy, and meeting ethics and integrity best practices.

The guidelines respond directly to broad demand for publisher guidance in utilizing AI, requested by around 70% of researchers in Wiley’s recent ExplanAItions study, and were informed by extensive interviews with authors, editorial staff and AI experts.

“Writers and researchers are already using AI tools, whether publishers like it or not,” said Jay Flynn, Wiley EVP & General Manager, Research & Learning. “At Wiley, we’d rather embrace this shift than fight it. Our recent study shows these technologies will be everywhere within two years, and we want our authors to use them confidently while adhering to the strictest standards of quality and ethics. That’s why we’ve created straightforward guidelines that cut through the hype and help people do their best work while using these new tools.”
more at: https://newsroom.wiley.com/press-releases/press-release-details/2025/Wiley-Releases-AI-Guidelines-for-Authors/default.aspx

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