USPS Is Enhancing Service Standards

The United States Postal Service is implementing refinements to service standards and has launched new online tools and a fact sheet to help customers prepare for the changes. These adjustments will affect First-Class Mail, Periodicals, Marketing Mail, Package Services (including Bound Printed Matter, Media Mail, and Library Mail), USPS Ground Advantage, Priority Mail, and Priority Mail Express.

The enhancements are estimated to save the Postal Service at least $36 billion over the next decade through reductions in transportation, mail and package processing and real estate costs. The service standards refinement will occur in two phases to ensure effective operational implementation: the first phase will begin April 1. The second phase will start July 1.

These newly enhanced service standards align with the Postal Service’s operational goals and enable the organization to realize the projected savings while also:
*Preserving the current service standard day ranges for First-Class Mail and USPS Ground Advantage, thus ensuring the standard First-Class Mail delivery time will not exceed 5 days.
*Enhancing service predictability and reliability.
*Offering 2-3-day turnaround service within regions and specific local areas.
*Allowing flexibility in regional transportation schedules, which may extend service expectations by one day for mail collected at certain Post Offices, while overall improving delivery speeds for mail and packages between regions.
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