JDI Enviro Training
Every spring our forest professionals and contractors go through rigorous environment training, to ensure that they are able to spot key indicators that help us conserve unique sites and maintain the forests. Enviro-training is developed and run by our Naturalist, Kelly Honeyman and our Biologist, John Gilbert, which ensures the well-being of the environment is the number one concern throughout the training. “It’s important for us to train these guys to recognize what the significant features are on the landscape” says Kelly Honeyman. Enviro-training covers topics from how to spot rare plants to site specific habitat procedures when a stick nest or bear den is located. Part of the process when rare plants, unique areas, or other sensitive areas are found is to drop GPS coordinates onto our mapping systems. This documentation ensures that the site can be preserved and operations will allow for a buffer zone around the site. Our GPS programs will keep track of all sites, and will be used in the future when operations come back to the area. Click Read More below for more of the story.