UPM joins WWF’s global Earth Hour 2015 climate event on 28 March 2015
UPM joins WWF’s Global Earth Hour 2015 climate event by turning off the lights at the Biofore House in Helsinki, Finland, on 28 March 2015 from 20:30 to 21:30 local time.
“WWF’s Earth Hour reminds us all of the importance of actions to reduce energy consumption and to increase the share of renewable energy,” says Päivi Salpakivi-Salomaa, Vice President, Environment and Responsibility, UPM.
“UPM is constantly decreasing its carbon footprint and improving its energy efficiency. Globally, 67% of the fuels we use are biomass based, and in Finland the figure is as high as 83%. We are the second biggest generator of biomass based electricity in Europe and 79% of the electricity we produce is free from fossil CO2 emissions.
Having above figures as a proof, UPM is the only paper and forest products company in the world who has achieved the A100 on the CDP Climate indices 2014. The CDP indices track how the leading listed companies respond to climate change mitigation,” Salpakivi-Salomaa tells.
Earth Hour is a world-wide event organised by WWF. It inspires people all over the world to show their support for climate work. Read more: http://www.earthhour.org/
read more/source: http://www.upm.com/EN/MEDIA/All-news/Pages/UPM-joins-WWF’s-global-Earth-Hour-2015-climate-event-on-28-March-2015-.aspx