Updated Myths & Facts For 2024

Two of the most popular Two Sides resources, the Myths & Facts and Packaging Facts booklets, have been updated to take in the very latest research, facts and findings about paper and paper packaging, as well as the latest Trend Tracker report from Two Sides.

The new Myths & Facts booklet explores nine common myths, from ‘European forests are shrinking’ to ‘Paper wastes precious resources’, before busting those myths by using a series of irrefutable facts. Meanwhile, the new Packaging Facts booklet sets out eight clear reasons why paper packaging is the natural choice for brand owners, retailers and consumers.

Two Sides thanks Antalis, who supplied the paper for the print version of the new Myths & Facts booklet. In keeping with the booklet’s content, Antalis chose the recycled Cyclus Offset paper, which has exemplary sustainable credentials.
more at: https://twosides.info/UK/updated-myths-facts-for-2024/

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