The “Fédération des producteurs forestiers du Québec” (Quebec Federation of woodlot owners or FPFQ) has released the fourth edition of the “Sound Forestry Practices for Private Woodlots Field Guide,” which is used by small woodlot owners and forest contractors to promote responsible forest management. The updated guide was supported by an SFI Community Partnerships Grant.
“This newest edition includes enhanced recommendations covering key themes such as identifying watercourse crossing features and wetlands, forest certification, conservation of wildlife habitat, timber measurement and stacking for transport, sugarbush development and tree-felling safety regulations. The online version of the guide also features videos that illustrate some of the key concepts,” said Pierre-Maurice Gagnon, Chair of the FPFQ.
A diverse and broad partnership, under FPFQ’s leadership, made the guide possible. Support from SFI was part of a collaboration with 13 forest-related marketing boards in Quebec and the “Fondation de la Faune du Québec” (FFQ).
“SFI is proud to support the release of this very professional field guide. We value FPFQ’s leadership in developing such useful tools for the community and we love the fact that they do so in such a collaborative manner,” said Kathy Abusow, President and CEO of SFI Inc. “In addition to the members of the FPFQ, this guide is used by SFI Program Participants who promote responsible forestry when they procure wood from private woodlot owners as part of implementing the SFI Fiber Sourcing Standard requirements.”