Two Sides report interim success in Anti-Greenwash Campaign
Two Sides have been actively challenging organisations which use greenwash to mislead consumers regarding the environmental benefits of alternative media. They have done this by requesting that organisations carefully consider their messages and the potentially misleading anti-print and paper statements that are being made such as: ‘go paper-free and do your bit for the environment’ or ‘e-billing is more environmentally friendly than the traditional paper bill’. It is important, when organisations promote products and services, that they do not damage the Print and Paper industry and jeopardise the livelihood of the many thousands of people employed therein with possibly misleading statements. Two Sides have been reacting to misleading statements whenever they arise and engaging with major corporations and organisations. 2 months into the campaign and Two Sides report very encouraging results. Of the 25 organisations identified and challenged in a campaign that started at the end of May, 20 have responded favourably and removed the misleading claims. To see which organisations Two Sides have engaged with to remove their Greenwash, click here.
The belief that e-communication is more environmentally-friendly than print is generally unproven and there is a lack of life cycle data to support such claims. What is increasingly clear is that electronic communication, and in particular the energy requirements of the increasing worldwide network of servers which are necessary to store all the information needed for immediate access, has a significant and increasing carbon footprint. Electronic communication and document storage must be recognised as delivering efficiency but not necessarily greater sustainability. In the UK it has been suggested that PC’s and servers may consume up to 50% of the country’s energy requirements in the next 10 years.
Two Sides beleive, considering all the environmental costs of electronic communication, print and paper may well be the environmentally sustainable way to communicate.