Since its inception, the Two Sides North America Anti-greenwashing Campaign has eliminated literally billions of instances of paper-related greenwashing in the United States and Canada – and engagement with large utilities, banks and insurers in January and February has set the pace for millions more in 2023.
So far this year, seven additional companies representing 40 million customers have removed “go green, go paperless,” “go paperless, protect the environment” and similar claims from their marketing communications.
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Important reminder for companies still certified against the 2013 version of the PEFC Chain of Custody standard, or certification bodies issuing PEFC chain of custody certificates: any certificates issued against the 2013 version will no longer be valid as of 14 November 2023. If you are a company still certified against the 2013 standard, please reach out to your certification body for assistance or to organise your next audit against the 2020 standard. It is important to note that the transition to the new version does not impact the certification cycle, so it can happen during a surveillance audit. If you still have existing stocks of products and printed material covered by a 2013 chain of custody certificate and carrying the PEFC trademarks according to the previous 2008 Trademarks standard, you can still sell them once you have transferred your chain of custody system to the 2020 version of both these standards.
UPM Raflatac has made further strides towards delivering a smarter and more sustainable future with the announcement that all its main HD liners for standard PP and PE films in EMEIA will come from certified sources by the end of 2018. Forest certification takes a lifecycle approach across the entire forest supply chain, ensuring that wood-based products are sourced from responsibly managed forests. This is just the latest in the company's drive to create film labeling solutions that excel in sustainability. As part of its ecodesign philosophy, the company's first step is always to use responsibly sourced raw materials, with the goal being to only use wood raw material from certified sources by 2030. Click Read More below for additional information.
One of our most important resources, the Myths & Facts Booklet, has been updated for 2015 including two new facts on; the benefits of packaging and, consumers choice to receive paper communications.
Paper has been around for almost 2000 years and, during this time, it has undoubtedly established itself as the most effective and versatile means of communication.
However, for a long time the industry has tolerated misinformation about its environmental record. Commonly, that print and paper are considered a primary cause of deforestation, uses a lot of non-renewable energy and has a high carbon footprint. The reality is very different. European forests having grown by 30% since 1950 and are expanding by 1.5 million football pitches every year. Furthermore, the paper industry is Europe’s largest user of renewable, low carbon energy and 54% of the energy used in European paper making is biomass based. It is important not to forget that the digital alternatives also have impacts.