Two Sides Member Spotlight
When one thinks of leaders in sustainability, it’s unlikely thoughts would turn to a 200-year-old company. But a company’s age doesn’t always mean “old-school.” Monadnock Paper Mills, Inc., the oldest continuously operating paper mill in the United States, is a gold standard example of a company that has built sustainability into the DNA of its business. With a passion for the environment and ingenuity, Monadnock has developed a portfolio of award-winning and sustainably advantaged fine printing, packaging and technical papers.
All Monadnock printing and packaging papers are FSC® (Forest Stewardship Council®) certified (FSC C018866) and manufactured using 100% renewable, carbon neutral Green-e certified wind-powered electricity, all under a third-party certified ISO 14001 Environmental Management System.
“We’re proud that our commitment to sustainability has yielded appreciable, measurable and verified environmental impact reductions,” says Monadnock Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Richard G. Verney. “Monadnock’s ISO 14001 certification demonstrates our holistic approach to educate the marketplace and supply the world’s leading brands with sustainable materials.”
“Over the years we have been recognized by leading environmental organizations and government agencies including the Forest Stewardship Council, the Sierra Club, The Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests, the New Hampshire Governor’s Award for Pollution Prevention, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,” he adds. “But awards and recognition aren’t why we do it. We do it because we live here. We do it because we raise our families here. And we do it because it’s the right thing to do.”
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