Tronox Issues 2022 Sustainability Report
Tronox Holdings plc (NYSE:TROX) (“Tronox” or the “Company”), the world’s leading integrated manufacturer of titanium dioxide pigment, today announced the publication of its 2022 sustainability report. The report details the significant steps taken over the last year to advance its leadership role in sustainability and protecting the environment:
*Reinforced Scope 1 and 2 carbon emission reduction targets, recommitting to the accelerated carbon intensity reduction targets of 35% by 2025 and 50% by 2030 against a 2019 baseline.
*Created regional decarbonization roadmaps that will be integral to meeting the Company’s net zero by 2050 goal.
*Set Scope 3 emissions targets to decrease emissions intensity by 9% by 2025 and 16% by 2030 against a 2021 baseline.
*Reduced waste to external landfills by 10% on an absolute basis from the 2019 baseline, keeping on course to meet the 2025 and 2030 reduction targets of 15% and 25%, respectively.
*Spearheaded a leading safety indicator program encouraging proactive reduction of potential hazards in the work environment resulting in over 2,500 unique improvements at sites.
*Empowered women leaders through the creation of a new Women in Leadership program to help increase gender balance in the Company’s leadership roles.
*Built community partnerships completing several Local Economic Development Projects in South Africa and working hand-in-hand with the Indigenous community members of the municipalities in which Tronox operates.
“It is imperative that we preserve our privilege to do business around the world, and that requires trust, integrity, engagement and action,” said Jennifer Guenther, chief sustainability officer and head of investor relations and financial planning. “This is why Tronox embeds sustainability into all of our business decisions so that sustainability and our business strategy are truly one in the same. This foundation supports our priority to grow our business and to do it in a way that creates lasting value for all our stakeholders.”
“We remain committed to purposeful investments in our people, operations and product portfolio to deliver on our sustainability and business commitments,” said Jean-François Turgeon, co-chief executive officer.
John D. Romano, co-chief executive officer, added, “Sustainability is a part of Tronox’s strategic vision for growth. We have set and will hold ourselves accountable to bold, yet actionable, sustainability goals and the pursuit of new value streams from sustainable products and byproducts.”