Eyeballs or Bums on Seats? #DumpDigital
Bob Hoffman is a man worth listening to. Especially when he’s talking about advertising. Bob is an adland icon. The founder of the Hoffman/Lewis agency in California, he has created campaigns for McDonald’s, Shell, PepsiCo, Bank of America, you name it... The century-old Greater San Francisco Ad Club made him their “Ad Person of the Year” in 2012. And now Bob Hoffman is the man exposing the vast fraud of digital advertising. He has spoken out about a world where a single “bot” computer programme can generate a billion fraudulent ad impressions a day, without that ad ever having been viewed by human eyeballs. This great swindle is on track to become the second largest source of criminal activity in the world by 2025, second only to drug trafficking, Hoffman suggested recently. Click Read More below for additional information.