Top 10 ways well-managed forests and SFI make a world of difference
The clean air we breathe and water we drink are only part of the story of sustainable forestry. And if you have hiked in a forest or enjoyed the shade of a tree on a city sidewalk you have experienced the benefits of trees and forests first hand.
The Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) is an independent, non-profit organization that aims to make the world a better place by promoting sustainable forest management through standards, research, community building and conservation partnerships. Take a look at some of the projects SFI has supported that help keep our forests and communities healthy and beautiful.
1. Providing places for outdoor adventures
Forests are a place where people of all ages recreate and enjoy the great outdoors. Of the more than 250 million acres of responsibly managed forests certified to the SFI Standard, 90% are available for outdoor recreation including hiking, boating, camping and ecotourism. It’s an area bigger than the amount of forestland in Nova Scotia, Ontario, Texas and Oregon (234,925,262 acres). Get out and enjoy it!
2. A growing base of scientific study
Forests and forest landscapes are dynamic and constantly evolving and forest research is critical to ensuring their health and future. SFI is the only forest certification standard in North America that requires participants to support and engage in research activities to improve forest health, productivity and sustainable management of forest resources, and the environmental benefits and performance of forest products. Since 1995, SFI program participants have invested more than $1.3 billion in forest research activities.
3. Bringing communities together
SFI supports local communities through landowner outreach, community-building projects and logger training. For example, SFI is helping African American small-forest-owners in the southern U.S. manage their forests in ways that provide them with an income stream while supporting responsible forestry. SFI has also partnered with Habitat for Humanity to help families break the cycle of poverty by building homes, communities, and hope. And through SFI’s expanded network of universities, forestry associations, and government agencies, more than 150,000 loggers have completed professional training programs since 1995 — ensuring that their actions support healthy forests today and in the future.
4. Improving water quality
An overwhelming majority of our freshwater resources come from forests. Forests absorb rainfall, control runoff from storms, guard against flooding, provide a home for fish and wildlife, and ensure the availability of clean water for downstream communities.
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