The Role of Paper Ballots, Their Security and How They’re Made

Paper is an important part of the American election process. Paper ballots help provide reliability and security. Paper ballots are made from specialty graphic paper based on detailed specifications from election officials and equipment manufacturers.

Paper is an important part of the American election process. The paper industry is proud to make paper ballots and other election materials, including:
*“I Voted” stickers
*Ballot envelopes
*Voter registration forms
*Instruction materials

Paper ballots help provide reliability and security. According to Verified Voting, in 2024, 95% of voters are expected to use a ballot with a verifiable paper trail.

Is a Specific Kind of Paper Used for Paper Ballots?
Yes, paper ballots are made based on specifications from election officials and equipment manufacturers. This ensures ballot scanners and ballot marking devices correctly process the ballots.
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