The Financial Impact of Greenwash on the Paper, Print and Mailing Industry (

Two Sides has been actively engaging with organisations found to be making misleading and unsupported environmental claims against print and paper for over 10 years. Our Anti-Greenwash campaign has successfully challenged over 750 global organisations, primarily service providers like banks, utilities and telecoms, that subject their customers to repeated Greenwashing messages which are damaging to our industry.

A research project was conducted at the beginning of 2021, in partnership with consumer research organisation Censuswide, which examined:
*The reach and impact of Greenwashing on consumer behaviour.
*The financial impact upon the paper, print and mailing industry as a result of Greenwashing.
*The volume and value of preserved print, paper and postage as a result of the Two Sides Anti-Greenwash campaign.
*The potential for further preservation of volumes and value if the current Two Sides success rate to stop Greenwash is improved and extended to more countries.
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