Tetra Pak reveals 20% greenhouse gas emissions reduction across value chain since 2019

Tetra Pak today launches its 25th Sustainability Report, which tracks the progress the company has made against its sustainability agenda. It focuses on five interdependent areas: food systems, circularity, climate, nature and social sustainability.

Launching on the United Nations’ World Environment Day on 5 June, the company’s Sustainability Report FY233 shows a 20% reduction in value chain4 GHG emissions and a 47% reduction in GHG emissions across its own operations since 2019. The latter puts Tetra Pak on track to meet its target of net zero GHG emissions in its own operations by 20305 and supports the company’s long-term ambition to work together with suppliers, customers and other stakeholders and achieve net-zero GHG emissions across the value chain by 2050.6

Another major milestone saw the launch of an aseptic beverage carton featuring a paper-based barrier, reducing its carbon footprint by a third (33%)7 and bringing the company a step closer to developing the world’s most sustainable food package.8 This world-first was a result of a €100 million investment in packaging research and development in 2023, with the same investment planned annually for the next five to ten years.
more at: https://www.tetrapak.com/about-tetra-pak/news-and-events/newsarchive/tetra-pak-reveals-20-percent-GHG-emissions-across-value-chain-since-2019

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