TC Transcontinental releases its 2020 Corporate Social Responsibility Progress Report
TC Transcontinental (TSX: TCL.A TCL.B) is proud to release its 2020 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Progress Report, which outlines the results achieved in the course of its three-year 2019-2021 Acting Together CSR Plan and its 11 objectives around four axes: its employees, its operations, its products and its communities. Highlights of the report include innovative projects related to our commitment to the circular economy of plastics and the reduction of the corporation’s carbon footprint, in addition to an excellent performance on employee-related goals, including a reduction in the health and safety incident rate and an increased balance in gender diversity.
“The achievements reflected in this progress report are supported by strong governance and oversight of TC Transcontinental’s corporate strategy and sustainability objectives, by its Board of Directors and its Governance and Social Responsibility Committee. These achievements also demonstrate the resilience and agility of the Corporation’s leadership and its employees,” said Isabelle Marcoux, Chair of the Board of TC Transcontinental. In 2020, we continued our efforts to increase the representation of women in our leadership teams and are very proud to have surpassed our initial target by reaching 31% of women in leadership positions in our Packaging, Printing and Media Sectors.”
“Today more than ever, TC Transcontinental is a corporation that is mobilized to create value for society as a whole,” said François Olivier, President and Chief Executive Officer of TC Transcontinental. While the challenges related to the COVID-19 pandemic are undeniable, they have not stopped our efforts in sustainable development. With our successful integration into flexible packaging and our continued leadership in the circular economy for plastics, we continue to work with stakeholders while investing in our recycling as well as research and development activities. It is with a spirit of collaboration and a continued growth mindset for the long term that we will begin the next phase in 2022, to create our next CSR plan.”
As a reminder, in 2021, TC Transcontinental was ranked as one of the world’s 100 most sustainable corporations on the renowned Corporate Knights ranking, placing 45th, on top of finishing 2nd in the packaging industry. According to Corporate Knights, TC Transcontinental is among the top 50 corporations, in part because of its high score in clean investments, as well as the diversity of its Board of Directors and Senior Management.