TC Transcontinental (TSX: TCL.A TCL.B) is proud to announce the release of its new 2025 Corporate Social Responsibility Plan, Building our Future. Recognized earlier this year as the 16th most sustainable corporation in the world in the renowned Corporate Knights’ Global 100 Sustainable Corporations ranking, TC Transcontinental strives to build a future that is green, inclusive, innovative, sustainable, united, and responsible.
The new plan focuses on five major themes that will guide the Corporation’s actions over the next four years: greener growth, an inclusive and safe environment, innovative and sustainable products, community involvement, and responsible governance and business practices.
“As a family business, we are building for the long term,” said Isabelle Marcoux, Chair of the Board. “Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has been engrained in TC Transcontinental’s DNA since its beginning and is an integral part of our growth strategy, particularly in terms of developing sustainable products. It is underpinned by rigorous governance, as well as our values and culture of diversity and inclusion. As such, we are meeting our customers’ needs and our investors’ long-term value creation objectives while also contributing to the welfare of our communities.”
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