Crown and Eklo Water Bring First Flavored Water Packed in Cans to Brazil
Increasing consumer preference for healthy, convenient, zero-calorie beverages are expected to drive revenue growth of the Brazil flavored water market by 7.3% CAGR through 2024. In response, Eklo Water, based in Rio de Janeiro, has partnered with Crown Embalagens Metálicas da Amazônia S.A. (Crown Brazil), a subsidiary of Crown Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: CCK) (Crown) (, to introduce the first flavored water to be packed in aluminum beverage cans to the Brazilian market. “It is clear that Brazilians want healthy, flavorful alternatives to teas, soft drinks and sugary beverages,” said Fabio Nono, Co-Owner of Eklo Water. “Our flavored water meets that demand and sleek style beverage cans are the perfect format to market them in. While we originally launched the drink in cartons, we transitioned to sleek style beverage cans as we are seeing consumers display an increased preference for package attributes such as portability, eye-catching design and overall durability.” Click Read More below for additional information.