Springer Nature achieves revenue and profit targets and projects further growth for 2025

Springer Nature, one of the leading publishers of research in the world, today announced its results for the financial year 2024, demonstrating continued growth and a strong operational performance. Revenue was €1,847 million, representing, on an underlying1 basis, a 5% increase over the same period in 2023. Adjusted operating profit increased to €512 million, equating to underlying growth1 of 7%.

Frank Vrancken Peeters, CEO of Springer Nature, said: “Our strong results demonstrate our ability to consistently deliver value for our communities while driving innovation in the academic publishing industry. We publish an ever-increasing amount of high-quality open access content and invest in technology and people to ensure we consistently outperform the market while growing responsibly and sustainably.”

The Research segment continues to be the main driver of Springer Nature’s growth. Research saw a 6% underlying3 revenue growth to €1,414 million, primarily due to the excellent performance of the OA Journals portfolio.

The Education segment supported overall growth, with revenue increasing 3% on an underlying3 basis to €235 million. This was driven by a strong performance in India and South Africa. The Health segment’s revenue was €188 million, which was broadly stable on an underlying3 basis compared to the previous year.
more at: https://group.springernature.com/gp/group/media/press-releases/results-financial-year-2024/27762650

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