Mayr-Melnhof Group Announces Results for the First Three Quarters of 2017
The Group’s consolidated sales totaled EUR 1,749.1 million and were thus 2.1 %, or EUR 35.3 million above the previous year’s value (1-3Q 2016: EUR 1,713.8 million). Both divisions contributed to the slight increase. With EUR 158.9 million, operating profit reached the previous year’s level (1-3Q 2016: EUR 160.2 million). The Group’s operating margin thus remained stable at 9.1 % (1-3Q 2016: 9.3 %). At EUR 113.3 million, the profit for the period almost reached the previous year’s figure (1-3Q 2016: EUR 115.5 million). Click Read More below for additional information.