AF&PA Commends EPA on Finalizing New Source Review Project Emissions Accounting Rule
The American Forest & Paper Association (AF&PA) President and CEO Heidi Brock issued the following statement regarding the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) New Source Review (NSR) project emissions accounting (PEA) rule, which was finalized today. “The EPA recognizes the need for sensible NSR accounting procedures that will provide a clear and concise approach to air permitting under the Clean Air Act. The PEA rule, by allowing increases and decreases in emissions to be counted together, will exclude minor projects from a burdensome and time-consuming permitting process. This NSR rule is part of a broader EPA effort to modernize an antiquated and complicated system and ensure the global competitiveness of American manufacturing. AF&PA commends the EPA’s efforts to advance regulatory process reforms, such as this, to support our industry’s ability to innovate, invest and create American manufacturing jobs.”