Smurfit Kappa reports strong progress in its 8th annual Sustainable Development Report

The report, “Sustainability in every fibre” highlights Smurfit Kappa’s focus on designing and enabling truly circular systems, with a unique commitment to use only 100% sustainably sourced fibres in its products and processes. Full transparency is assured through adherence to the GRI 4 Comprehensive sustainability guidelines. Progress made in 2014 against the five newly defined strategic sustainability priorities includes:

Forest –  All raw material used in paper production is now sourced under certified Chain of Custody systems
Climate Change – 21.6% reduction in carbon emissions per tonne of paper produced, on track for 2020 target of 25% reduction
Water – 28% reduction in organic content of water (COD) returned to the environment from mills, on track for 2020 target of 33% reduction
Waste –  Twelve out of 38 paper mills effectively did not send waste to landfill in 2014
People – 80% response rate to the first company-wide employee engagement survey, MyVoice2014

Commenting on the strong performance outlined in the report, Gary McGann, Group Chief Executive Officer at Smurfit Kappa said:

“We are proud to say that our people and products have sustainability in every fibre. We use it as a lens through which to focus our innovation, our strategy and our processes.”

Group Chief Operating Officer, Tony Smurfit, continued: “This approach has delivered consistent business growth and long-term partnerships with some of the world’s most respected brands. Every day, we prove how our way of working contributes to a better, more sustainable world and a brighter future.”
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