SGP Announces 2023 Election of New Leaders and Board Members
The SGP officers for 2023-2024 include: Theresa Vanna, Primex Plastics Corporation, Chair; Birdley James, Miller Zell, Chair-Elect; Marci Kinter, Secretary & Vice Chair Technical; Doreen Monteleone, Ph.D., D2 Advisory Group/FTA, Treasurer; Jonathan Graham, Past Chair; Will Mansfield, Eastman Kodak Co., Vice Chair Marketing; Calvin Lakhan, York University, Vice Chair Academic; George Fuchs, NAPIM, Vice Chair Technology; Jodi Sawyer, FLEXcon, Vice Chair Engagement. The new board members, all professionals dedicated to supporting the journey to a more sustainable future, include: Julie Brannen, Monadnock Paper Mills, Inc., Bennington, NH; Thomas Dahbura, Hub Labels, Inc., Hagerstown, MD; Todd Ebersole, Forge Graphic Works, Portland, OR; Michael Dillon, Meyers Printing, Minneapolis, MN; Mark Howard, Syracuse Label & Surround Printing, North Syracuse, NY; Gary Jones, PRINTING United Alliance, Fairfax, VA; Kristine Peterson, 3M, St Paul, MN.