Following improved global market balance as well as improved demand for printing paper, SCA announce a price increase in Europe of € 40 per ton for Coated Mechanical reels and Uncoated Mechanical reels, valid for deliveries from January 1 2018.
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Metsä Fibre, part of Metsä Group, is to initiate negotiations on changes related to its plans to discontinue the sawn timber production in Kyrö. According to the plans, production will end in the summer of 2022. The change negotiations at the Kyrö sawmill concern all the sawmill’s 73 employees. “The Kyrö sawmill has reached the end of its technical service life, which is why we’ve initiated plans to close down its operations,” says Ismo Nousiainen, CEO of Metsä Fibre. The annual production capacity of the Kyrö sawmill is approximately 230,000 m3 pine sawn timber, and the annual wood consumption is approximately 450,000 m3.
The global water purification market is fast-moving with continuous advancements in technologies and applications. There is an increased focus on more sustainable solutions to address the growing concerns about water quality and the need for reliable water purification solutions. Ahlstrom supports the water purification market and contributes to the availability of clean water by launching a new water filtration solution for enhanced particulate removal in pre-filtration applications. The new filter material can be used as a stand-alone or as a complement to the existing Ahlstrom Disruptor® and Hollytex® ranges. The new pre-filter is suitable for both residential and industrial uses. It removes contaminants such as rust, sand, and other debris that may end up in water pipelines, ensuring the highest quality of water. The pre-filter delivers superior performance and quality consistency when used as a pleated filter design.
AF&PA President and CEO Donna Harman issued the following statement in strong support of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). AF&PA and member company leaders will meet with administration and Congressional offices on March 20 to advocate for free and fair trade policies that recognize the strong global position of the paper and wood products industry. “NAFTA countries account for $9.6 billion or 45% of our industry’s pulp and paper exports, making them a vital industry market. As negotiators work to modernize NAFTA with Canada and Mexico, we support constructive changes that will ensure these markets remain open to our country’s exports and recognize the benefits of an interconnected supply chain. Maintaining open access for U.S. exports and a level playing field for U.S. companies, retaining the investor-state dispute settlement mechanism, implementing transparent and sound science-based regulatory practices and combatting illegal logging and associated trade remain our top priorities. Click Read More below for additional information.