Sappi Europe achieves major milestone in its sustainability journey by reducing the carbon footprint of its Galerie range by 55%

In 2023, Sappi Europe’s Kirkniemi Mill in Lohja, Finland successfully transitioned to renewable biomass energy, reducing its Scope 1 emissions, direct emissions from Sappi’s own operations, by 90%.

Building on the significant investment made to Kirkniemi’s energy systems, clean electricity is now also being supplied to the mill, eliminating scope 2, indirect emissions. These efforts have led to a 55% overall reduction in the carbon footprint of Sappi’s Galerie paper range, which is estimated to reach a remarkable 70% by the end of the year.

This transformation is among nearly 80 projects outlined in Sappi Europe’s decarbonisation roadmap, a blueprint that will see the company’s energy-related sustainability targets through to 2025. This also closely aligns with Sappi’s science-based targets for 2030.
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