Rottneros interim report January-June 2024

*NET TURNOVER increased by 4 percent to 711 (681) MSEK. Compared to the first quarter of 2024, turnover rose by 3 percent due to higher market prices.
*THE LIST PRICE of NBSK pulp was 16 percent higher compared with the second quarter of 2023. Compared with the first quarter of 2024, the list price rose 13 percent. The market price of CTMP rose by 1 percent compared with the second quarter of 2023 and decreased by 2 percent from the first quarter of 2024.
*PRODUCED VOLUME amounted to 91.0 (93.2) thousand tonnes, which is 2 percent lower than in the corresponding quarter of 2023.
*VOLUME SOLD rose to 88.6 (82.8) thousand tonnes, an increase of 7 percent.
*EBIT (operating profit) was 30 (41) MSEK. Compared with the corresponding quarter of 2023, selling prices were lower while volumes were higher. EBIT increased from the first quarter of 2024 as a result of rising prices and higher production volumes.
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