Holmen Reports Year End 2020 Results
* Excluding items affecting comparability 2019.-Operating profit for 2020 was SEK 2 479 million (2019: SEK 2 345 million excluding items affecting comparability of SEK 8 770 million). Lower production costs in Paperboard and higher wood product prices had a positive impact on earnings, though this effect was offset by price decreases and production curtailments in Paper. -Compared with the third quarter, operating profit decreased by SEK 119 million to SEK 595 million as a result of a maintenance shutdown in Paperboard. -Profit after tax in 2020 was SEK 1 979 million (8 731), which corresponds to earnings per share of SEK 12.2 (52.6). Profit after tax for the previous year was impacted by items affecting comparability of SEK 6 943 million.