Publishers File Additional Amicus Brief Supporting First Amendment Rights of Llano County Library Patrons

AAP and allies filed a second amicus brief in support of Texas public library patron plaintiffs in Little v. Llano County following the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals’ order of a full court rehearing of its June 6, 2024 decision. That earlier decision largely—but not entirely—upheld a preliminary injunction against the unconstitutional removal of 17 books from the shelves of the Llano County public library system.

The brief authors include the Association of American Publishers, The Authors Guild, publishers of books removed from Llano County public library shelves including Candlewick Press, Hachette Book Group, HarperCollins Publishers, Macmillan Publishing, Penguin Random House, Scholastic, Simon & Schuster, and Sourcebooks, and prominent authors Steven King and James Patterson.
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