Print Units Post Double-Digit Gains at the End of September (
With the juvenile and YA nonfiction categories both posting better than 32% gains, unit sales of print books rose 10.3% in the week ended Sept. 26, 2020, over the comparable week in 2019, at outlets that report to NPD BookScan. Unit sales rose 32.3% in juvenile nonfiction over the week ended Sept. 28, 2019. Two new titles helped boost sales: Superpowered by Renee Jain sold more than 11,000 copies in its first week, putting it in second place on the category list. Channel Kindness debuted in sixth place on the list, selling nearly 8,000 copies. In third place was Patricia Brennan Demuth’s Who Is Ruth Bader Ginsburg?, which sold more than 11,000 copies. Stamped by Jason Reynolds and Ibram X. Kendi was #1 in YA nonfiction, selling almost 8,000 copies. Total units in the category rose 34.5% over 2019.
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