Companies partner to make compost bag with recycled content (
Tonawanda, New York-based NOCO’s Buffalo River Compost brand Tend says its 1-cubic-foot bags of Brian’s Best Seal of Testing Assurance-, or STA-, approved compost will be packaged using a lawn and garden bag containing 20 percent postconsumer resin (PCR) for the 2023 season. Buffalo, New York-based Buffalo River Compost launched Tend, a brand geared for direct-to-consumer lawn and garden products, in 2022. When the company began to pursue packaging options, it says it found limited sustainable options. “Some places around the country are starting to require minimum recycled content standards for plastic packaging, such as garbage bags, but due to features such as UV protection and anti-slip, we weren’t able to immediately identify suppliers that used PCR in lawn and garden bags,” says Bobbie Thoman, director of sustainability and innovation at Tend.