Port Hawkesbury Paper has compiled the mill’s sustainability numbers for 2017. We are proud of the progress we have made in reducing water use, greenhouse gas emissions, and solid waste. The mill continues to innovate and find new ways to maximize the efficiency of the resources used by the mill.
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FSC met with representatives of Domtar to discuss the potential implications of the transfer of the beneficial ownership of Asia Pulp and Paper (APP) to Mr. Jackson Wijaya (the current beneficial owner of Domtar) and to agree on the next steps forward in the legal review of the corporate and ownership links between Domtar and APP. We understand that the transfer of the beneficial ownership of APP to Mr. Jackson Wijaya has not yet taken place, and no details are available to us on the date of the expected transfer. The parties agreed to cooperate on a fast and rigorous process of review to examine the shareholding and ownership relationships, if any, between Domtar and APP because of this planned transfer. This review will be commissioned immediately and concluded after the transfer of beneficial ownership of APP to Jackson Wijaya is complete.
“With this new standard, we are fostering the harmonisation of requirements for certification bodies, ensuring consistency in the implementation of PEFC sustainable forest management certification worldwide,” highlighted Marta Martinez Pardo, Certification Programme Senior Manager. As the first of its kind, ST 1004 combines benchmark and international requirements. It sets up international requirements that PEFC national members will adopt within their systems, to be implemented directly by certification bodies. This will bring consistency to PEFC forest management audits conducted around the world.
Do you want to give your feedback as we revise our standard setting process? But feel like you need more information on how our standard is changing? Then make sure you register for our upcoming webinars!
Taking place next week on Thursday 11 and Friday 12 May, these webinars will introduce and explain the main changes to PEFC ST 1001 – the standard governing our standard setting requirements. There will also be an open question and answer session – make sure you register now so you don’t miss out.
We’re holding the webinar twice, at two different times, to ensure everybody around the world can take part:
Thursday 11 May, from 3:00 - 4:00 PM (CEST) & Friday 12 May, from 9:00 – 10:00 AM (CEST). click Read More below for additional detail