* Excluding items affecting comparability 2019.-Operating profit for 2020 was SEK 2 479 million (2019: SEK 2 345 million excluding items affecting comparability of SEK 8 770 million). Lower production costs in Paperboard and higher wood product prices had a positive impact on earnings, though this effect was offset by price decreases and production curtailments in Paper. -Compared with the third quarter, operating profit decreased by SEK 119 million to SEK 595 million as a result of a maintenance shutdown in Paperboard. -Profit after tax in 2020 was SEK 1 979 million (8 731), which corresponds to earnings per share of SEK 12.2 (52.6). Profit after tax for the previous year was impacted by items affecting comparability of SEK 6 943 million.
Norske Skog's gross operating earnings (EBITDA) in the third quarter 2017 were NOK 143 million, a decrease from NOK 190 million in the second quarter 2017. Gross operating earnings declined despite an increase in sales volume in Europe due to NOK appreciation, and less domestic demand in Australasia resulted in more low-margin export sales. Operating earnings in the third quarter was NOK 73 million compared to negative operating earnings of NOK 52 million in the second quarter of 2017. Net loss in the third quarter was NOK 9 million compared to a net loss of NOK 546 million in the second quarter 2017, mainly due to non-cash currency effects on debt and changes in the valuation of power contracts. Cash flow from operations declined to a negative NOK 162 million in the quarter from a positive NOK 187 million in the second quarter. Net interest-bearing debt increased by NOK 459 million to NOK 7 038 million in the third quarter, reflecting a negative cash flow for the period and unpaid interest costs related to the ongoing recapitalization process. At the end of the third quarter, the group had a negative book equity of NOK 689 million. As part of the ongoing recapitalization process, the board has decided not to pay interest on the group's outstanding debt. The cash balance at the end of the third quarter was NOK 426 million and is sufficient to support the operations until a recapitalization solution takes place. Norske Skog's board and administration continue discussions with the creditors to launch as soon as possible a new and broadly supported offer for converting debt to equity and a new bond. Click Read More below for additional information.
Norske Skog has worked closely with the insurance company, equipment suppliers, and other parties to determine the extent of damages following the rockslide on 27 April. The rockslide caused significant damage to buildings, cranes, machinery, and equipment associated with paper machine 6 (PM6). A settlement has now been reached between Norske Skog Saugbrugs and the insurance company regarding insurance coverage for both business interruption and property damage, estimated up to NOK 2.4 billion, which will jointly be covered by the insurance company, the Norwegian Natural Perils Pool, and reinsurers. "The rockslide on 27 April this year was a traumatic experience for Saugbrugs employees, Halden residents, and Norske Skog. Fortunately, no one was physically injured in the rockslide, but PM6 and its associated building structures sustained substantial damage. After significant efforts from mill employees and other stakeholders, we are pleased to have reached an agreement with our insurance company for both business interruption and property damage, estimated up to NOK 2.4 billion. We have had an excellent dialogue and been treated very fairly by our insurance company throughout the process," says Geir Drangsland, CEO of Norske Skog.