Building a Future of Sustainability and Innovation at Domtar
Earlier this week, the European Commission issued a public notification that it had received notice of the proposed transfer of ownership of Asia Pulp & Paper Group (“APP”) to Jackson Wijaya, the founder and sole owner of Domtar. This transfer, once completed, will be the outcome of normal course succession planning by Jackson Wijaya’s father, Oei Tjie Goan, which is particularly prevalent among families of Indonesian and other Southeast Asian entrepreneurs, like the Wijayas. As is well known, Jackson Wijaya comes from an entrepreneurial family, spanning generations. Jackson decided to follow the family tradition of launching his own independent business. Having attended the University of Michigan, Jackson was familiar with North America and felt that it was the right place to branch out on his own, founding what is now known as Domtar. Fast-forward several years, under Jackson’s ownership the company has grown from a few assets to an institution with a significant presence in Canada and the United States, as well as operations in France and Brazil.