Broadleaves trees improve the growth, biodiversity and climate-proofing of forests
Broadleaves trees improve forest growth and yield and increase the diversity of forest species. Biodiversity helps forests to face the changing climate conditions and thrive. “If we achieve this goal, one fifth of all trees on sites that accommodate birch will be broadleaves. The increased amount will strengthen both tree species and many of other forest species and improve forests’ capacity to endure adverse weather conditions and insect damage caused by climate change,” says Risto Laaksonen, UPM’s Director, Forestry. According to Laaksonen, increasing the share of broadleaves trees also increases coniferous trees' strength to grow, at least according to current knowledge. At the same time, the competition within this more diverse group of species will become more intense. This brings balance to the ecosystem and reduces the risk that one species will overpower the others and cause damage.