Texas State Board of Education Approves Savvas Learning Company’s Texas myView Literacy Curriculum for Grades K-5
Savvas Learning Company, a next-generation K-12 learning solutions leader, is pleased to announce that its Texas myView Literacy has been approved by the Texas State Board of Education (SBOE) for inclusion on the state’s new list of high-quality instructional materials (HQIM) for K-5 English language arts and reading and Spanish language arts and reading. Combining powerful Science of Reading-based instruction with engaging student-centered practice opportunities, Texas myView Literacy is a full-subject (core), evidence-based instructional program for grades K–5 designed to develop strong readers and writers. Savvas developed its Texas-specific myView Literacy, which is also available in Spanish as miVisión Lectura, to support educators and improve student academic outcomes while also aligning with all of the state’s educational standards, known as the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) with phonics components included.