The outcomes of COP 16.2 create momentum for the forest sector to strengthen its commitment to biodiversity
The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) welcomes the successful conclusion of the resumed UN Biodiversity Conference (COP16.2) in Rome, which has delivered crucial agreements on resource mobilization and the financial mechanisms to implement it. With the focus now shifting to implementation, delegates also adopted other pending decisions to help advance the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (KMGBF), including mechanisms for planning, monitoring, reporting, and reviewing. For the first time in biodiversity negotiations, countries have agreed to a text specifically on tracking their own progress, including the way that the indicators will be measured and used. This will ensure that all Parties are tracking progress in a way that can be interpreted by national policymakers and provide data that can be aggregated up to the global level to provide an integral picture of implementation for the KMGBF. FSC welcomes the outcomes of the Rome meeting, particularly the decisions made on biodiversity monitoring and reporting.