New FSC Interim Forest Stewardship Standard for Poland offers better protection for ecosystems and old-growth forests

A new standard for Poland updates guidance for forest management. It focuses on the protection of rare ecosystems and old-growth forests. Labour rights for forest workers will help to ensure social benefits for forest communities. Overall, the new standard seeks to keep Poland’s forests and all the resources they provide sustainable into the future. The standard becomes effective on 1 October 2024.

About one third of Poland is forested, and just over 80 per cent of that is in public ownership. These forests are rich in biodiversity as well as being home to iconic species such as European bison, brown bear, lynx, and wolves. FSC certification has guided forest management in Poland for more than 25 years, but the FSC National Forest Management Standard needed to be brought up to date to reflect the FSC International Principles and Criteria.
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