New Directives on Chain of Custody Published

FSC has updated its Chain of Custody (CoC) directives FSC-DIR-40-004 Directive on Chain of Custody Certification and FSC-DIR-20-011 Directive on Chain of Custody Evaluations. This update streamlines the directives by removing obsolete advice notes that referenced older versions of the CoC standards and those that have been incorporated in latest version of Chain of Custody standards, both FSC-STD-40-004 and FSC-STD-20-011.

One notable change involves the removal of ADVICE 40-004-07, which made provisions for the sale of FSC-certified products through non-FSC-certified auction entities. This advice note has been partially covered by FSC-STD-40-004 V3-1 and has been further clarified through an interpretation (see FSC-INT-STD-40-004_73 here) for affected stakeholders.
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