Negotiated outcome reached in the collective labour agreement negotiations at UPM Biofuels

UPM Biofuels and the Paper Workers’ Union have reached a negotiation outcome in the collective labour agreement negotiations concerning UPM Biofuels’ Lappeenranta biorefinery.

“The negotiations were conducted in a very good spirit, and we were able to focus on the essential issues right from the beginning. The content of the negotiation outcome creates a good basis for flexible operation and development of the refinery,” says Petri Rekonen, Director of UPM Biofuels’ Lappeenranta biorefinery.

The new collective labour agreement will have a two-year contract period and it will enter into force upon approval by the Paper Workers’ Union’s Board. The union has announced that the Board will discuss the negotiation outcome at its meeting on 5 June 2024.

Negotiations on the collective labour agreements for UPM Specialty Papers and UPM Raflatac will continue.

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