Mondi’s Ad/Vantage Boost ensures reliable supply for Hans Schmid’s top-quality impregnated paper

Mondi, a global leader in sustainable packaging and paper, is collaborating with Hans Schmid KG, one of Europe’s most important independent impregnators, supplying the partner with its saturated kraft paper Ad/Vantage Boost for the furniture and flooring industry.

Mondi and Hans Schmid closely work together to serve the European market with high-quality impregnated paper suitable for laminated products, which are then used to manufacture furniture, worktops, and other industrial applications. Hans Schmid impregnates Mondi’s Ad/Vantage Boost. The impregnated Ad/Vantage Boost is used by the wood-based materials industry to produce high-quality laminates for flooring, kitchen worktops and more before these products are delivered to the end consumer.

Ad/Vantage Boost is suitable for high-performance laminate applications due to its strength and absorbency. It serves as a carrier for resin, which is then pressed into laminate layers under heat. The paper is created with 100% responsibly sourced unbleached fresh long fibres in Sweden and Austria and is available FSC® * or PEFC certified.
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