Metsä Group’s comparable operating result in January–September 2024 was EUR 170 million

President and CEO Ilkka Hämälä: The economy continued to be weak in the third quarter of 2024. In the wood market, trade was normal, and prices remained at a record high, compared with figures across the last two decades. A high cost level combined with low demand across the board resulted in a weak result for the third quarter. The quarterly result was significantly improved by the business interruption insurance compensation for the accident at the Kemi bioproduct mill, which was allocated to the first half. Negotiations on the final insurance compensation are still underway, but EUR 67 million in compensation was recorded for the third quarter.

The slowdown in the construction industry continues, and there are no signs of a change in the demand for sawn timber and plywood. Demand for Kerto® LVL has remained strong, proving the product’s competitiveness in construction industry solutions.

In China, the pulp market picked up in September, and prices began to gradually increase in softwood pulp trade. Demand remained stable in the European pulp market even though prices continued to decrease, still remaining higher than the price level in Asia. In Europe, the paperboard market continues to be affected by Asian paperboard imports to regions neighbouring the EU such as Türkiye. In the US, the market situation has remained slightly stronger than in Europe. As is typical of consumer products, demand for tissue papers has been stable, and profitability has remained at a reasonable level.
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