CDP, an international non-profit organisation, has again acknowledged Metsä Board, part of the Metsä Group. Metsä Board scored A- both in the CDP’s Water and Forest programmes. In addition, Metsä Board scored A- in CDP’s Supplier Engagement Rating, which assesses the companys’ actions in managing fossil carbon dioxide emissions and in engaging supply chain to mitigate climate change. Earlier this year Metsä Board was nominated on the CDP Climate A List for the fourth consecutive year.
In 2019 Metsä Board announced its new, ambitious sustainability targets for 2030, including a target of having fossil free mills by 2030 with zero fossil CO2 emissions. The new targets also include a 30 percent decrease in process water use per product tonne compared to the 2018 level. Metsä Board also aims to increase the share of certified fibre in its products to a minimum of 90 percent by 2030.
“We all need to act to combat climate change. I am proud that the work we do at Metsä Board was once again acknowledged by CDP. We continue our activities to cut emissions, mitigate climate change and develop the low-carbon economy,” says Mika Joukio, CEO of Metsä Board. “Our new targets, set out last year, confirm our continuous commitment to the further reduction of CO2 emissions and water usage.”,forestmanagementandsupplierengagementonclimatechangeisrecognisedbyCDP