5 Eye-Catching Direct Mail Ideas (piworld.com)
The very first thing that direct mail needs to do in the mailbox is catch people’s attention. Many times, customers need help to create the most effective direct mail. We can help them by making suggestions on ways to create an eye-catching mail piece. There are many options out there for you to choose from. Five Eye-Catching Ideas: 1. Foil Stamping: In a study by the Foil and Specialty Effect Association they wanted to determine what would make products stand out on a shelf with similar products. 2. Embossing: When you bring lift to your mailer with embossing you are able to add dimension and pop. 3. Texture: There are many options for adding texture to paper. You can purchase paper that comes textured such as laid, linen, vellum and mottled. 4. Smell: Adding scent can be really fun. Scent can easily trigger good as well as bad memories. 5. Ink: There is a wide variety of reactive inks now that can really catch the eye.