Klabin, the largest producer and exporter of packaging paper and sustainable paper packaging solutions in Brazil, recorded, in the first quarter of 2023, Adjusted EBITDA (Earnings before Interest, Taxes, Fees , Depreciation and Amortization) of R$ 1.942 billion, up 13% over the same period of the previous year.
In the first three months of the year, the Company’s sales volume, excluding wood, totaled 881 thousand tons. The flexibility of Klabin’s integrated business model benefited the conversion of paper into packaging, minimizing the Company’s exposure to the Kraftliner foreign market. As a result, Net Revenue reached R$ 4.831 billion in 1Q23, growth of 9% compared to 1Q22, a result that also reflects the price adjustments carried out over the last few months.
The ROIC (Return on Invested Capital) reached 19.4% in the period, demonstrating the Company’s ability to combine growth with the generation of value for shareholders. The solid results reinforce, once again, the success of Klabin’s integrated, diversified and flexible business model and its constant search for operational efficiency.
details at: https://klabin.com.br/reputacao/press-releases/-/2023-05-03-klabin-alcan%C3%A7a-ebitda-ajustado-de-r%EF%BC%84-1-942-bilh%C3%A3o-no-primeiro-trimestre-de-2023