Klabin celebrates 25 years of its first FSC® certification
Klabin, the largest producer and exporter of paper for packaging and sustainable solutions in paper packaging in Brazil, celebrates this month the 25th anniversary of the first certificate (1998) of excellence in forest management granted by Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC), when it became the first Brazilian company in the pulp and paper sector in the Southern Hemisphere to obtain the seal. The FSC® green seal awarded by Klabin attests to the best practices in forestry management and is an indispensable commercial prerequisite in the paper and packaging segments, encompassing the chain of custody of industrial bags, paperboard and kraft paper at the units in Brazil and at the Pilar Unit in Argentina. Currently, Klabin has 100% of its forests certified by the FSC®.
The FSC® seal emerged in the mid-1990s, after ECO-92, the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, with the aim of promoting responsible forest management based on the principles of an ecologically correct, socially fair and economically viable performance and to identify, through its logo, products from responsible production chains, enabling the consumer to make conscious purchasing choices. The certification is based on a set of internationally recognized rules, called Principles and Criteria, which include sustainable forest management and the efficient use of multiple forest products and services, the well-being of workers and communities, and the conservation of biodiversity. Over these 25 years,
“As a company with a renewable forest base for industrial purposes and also the owner of large areas of preserved native forests, we understood from an early age the importance of adopting sustainable processes in our operations, guaranteeing respect for the environment and people in the regions where we are present. inserted. We are proud of our pioneering path with the FSC and of having inspired the sector in this regard”, says Francisco Razzolini, director of Industrial Technology, Innovation, Sustainability and Projects at Klabin.
more at: https://klabin.com.br/reputacao/press-releases/-/05-23-2023-klabin-celebra-25-anos-de-sua-primeira-certifica%C3%A7%C3%A3o-fsc%C2%AE