American Dollar to Canadian Dollar = 0.800511;
American Dollar to Chinese Yuan = 0.157683;
American Dollar to Euro = 1.247220;
American Dollar to Japanese Yen = 0.009409;
American Dollar to Mexican Peso = 0.053997.
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American Dollar to Canadian Dollar = 0.735780; American Dollar to Chinese Yuan = 0.140898; American Dollar to Euro = 1.108371; American Dollar to Japanese Yen = 0.007098; American Dollar to Mexican Peso = 0.051390.
American Trucking Associations’ advanced seasonally adjusted (SA) For-Hire Truck Tonnage Index contracted 1% in May after falling 10.3% in April. In May, the index equaled 106.1 (2015=100) compared with 107.2 in April. “While tonnage fell in May, even though other economic indicators like retail sales and housing starts rose, I’m not overly concerned,” said ATA Chief Economist Bob Costello. “First, while down over 10 percent sequentially in April, truck tonnage did not fall as much as other economic indicators that month. This means that any rebound is tougher since tonnage didn’t fall substantially to begin with. Second, there are indications that freight continues to improve as more and more states and localities lift lockdown restrictions.” April’s drop was revised up to -10.3% from the 12.2% decline reported in our May 19 press release.
National Average Price for Regular Unleaded Current: $4.926; Month Ago: $4.598; Year Ago: $3.078. National Average Price for Diesel Current: $5.805; Month Ago: $5.549; Year Ago: $3.225.