American Dollar to Canadian Dollar = 0.744646; American Dollar to Chinese Yuan = 0.137449; American Dollar to Euro = 1.059399; American Dollar to Japanese Yen = 0.006702; American Dollar to Mexican Peso = 0.057198.
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National Average Price for Regular Unleaded Current: $4.243; Month Ago: $3.572; Year Ago: $2.870. National Average Price for Diesel Current: $5.079; Month Ago: $3.979; Year Ago: $3.103.
American Trucking Associations’ advanced seasonally adjusted For-Hire Truck Tonnage Index increased 4.3% in February after decreasing 3.2% in January. In February, the index equaled 116.0 (2015=100) compared with 111.3 in January. “After a very soft January, due in part to winter storms, truck tonnage snapped back in February,” said ATA Chief Economist Bob Costello. “February’s level was the highest in a year, yet the index still contracted from a year earlier, suggesting truck freight remains in a recession.” January’s decrease was revised up from our February 20 press release. Compared with February 2023, the index fell 1.4%, which was the twelfth straight year-over-year decline. In January, the index was down 4.5% from a year earlier.
If your design work is out there on the internet, everybody can see it—or steal it. But fear not, for the digital watermark can save you! Stamp your images with a logo, wordmark, or both using any number of apps, including some you might already have. But whether you use visible or invisible digital watermarks, you need to learn how to protect your work using them, and about the pros and cons of using them. And keep in mind that during this day and age of social media and online sharing, you might not need digital watermarks.