American Dollar to Canadian Dollar = 0.795957; American Dollar to Chinese Yuan = 0.152331; American Dollar to Euro = 1.177259; American Dollar to Japanese Yen = 0.009048; American Dollar to Mexican Peso = 0.049246.
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American Dollar to Canadian Dollar = 0.786948;
American Dollar to Chinese Yuan = 0.152087;
American Dollar to Euro = 1.185357;
American Dollar to Japanese Yen = 0.008821;
American Dollar to Mexican Peso = 0.051324.
American Dollar to Canadian Dollar = 0.786976; American Dollar to Chinese Yuan = 0.158075; American Dollar to Euro = 1.135546; American Dollar to Japanese Yen = 0.008693; American Dollar to Mexican Peso = 0.049316.
SCA's electric timber truck continues to transport timber between Gimonäs timber terminal and Obbola paper mill outside Umeå. It has now been in operation for over 1.5 years. – Everything is working as intended, and we receive inquiries from haulage companies and others who want to learn more about heavy electric vehicle transport, says Mikael Sundelin, Head of Business Development at Industrial Supply. Since SCA's unique electric timber truck was put into operation in June 2022, it has covered a distance of 4,600 kilometers, equivalent to more than one lap around the globe. Over a year of operation, the electric timber truck contributes to reducing carbon dioxide emissions by approximately 55,000 kg per year. With a capacity to carry 80 tons, the electric timber truck's daily task is to transport timber between Gimonäs timber terminal and Obbola paper mill outside Umeå. The round trip covers a distance of 30 km, and it completes approximately six rounds per day. The truck needs to be charged about two times during a working day.