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At a time when official movie poster reveals are arguably as exciting as opening weekends, it’s no wonder so many creatives are carving out time to create their own alternative movie posters—whether for a client, for self-promotion or just for fun. Similarly, it’s no wonder we can’t help but drool over all the beautiful illustrated and painterly work we’ve seen lately.
That’s why we’ve rounded up 20 of our favorite unofficial posters below. You may not have seen these illustrated posters in the wild during the respective film’s marketing campaign days, but they’re just as fun to look at now.
American Trucking Associations’ advanced seasonally adjusted (SA) For-Hire Truck Tonnage Index decreased 6.3% in October after gaining 5.7% in September. In October, the index equaled 106.8 (2015=100) compared with 114 in September. “While there are indications that the economy is losing momentum, I believe October’s tonnage softness was more of a seasonal issue during a pandemic than anything else,” said ATA Chief Economist Bob Costello. “Typical seasonality is off this year and it was a reason why October was down so much. Not seasonally adjusted tonnage was down a fraction as much as normal over the last five years during September, leading to a big seasonally adjusted gain. However, that means October’s not seasonally adjusted tonnage grew less than half as much as it typically does, leading to a big drop in the seasonally adjusted figure. There are plenty of carriers still saying that tonnage, retail tonnage in particular, is good.”
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Month Ago: $2.282
Year Ago: $2.186